Monday, 29 July 2019

40 Things I've learnt since having a Baby...

So it's safe to say it's been a while...And no I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth (even though some days that sounds like a brilliant idea!) I've been trying my best to focus my time on the Little Madam ๐Ÿฅฐ

Isla is just over 4 months old now and when she was having a nap earlier I suddenly remembered I hadn't written a blog for quite some time.

Now, due to the fact that life in the Motherhood Club can be stressful and full of built up anxiety and worry, I thought why not do a really light hearted blog on all of the things I have learnt since having a Baby.

I love speaking to you ladies so I'd love to know if you've experienced any of these yourself! ๐Ÿ˜Š

1) 4 hours sleep is a roaring success ๐ŸŽ‰
2) Holding a Baby with long nails is like snuggling up to Edward Scissorhands โœ‚๏ธ
3) Costa Coffee is my new favourite hideout โ˜•
4) Poo. Yep, get used to it. Lots of it. Everywhere ๐Ÿ’ฉ
5) Your Baby will be used as a hot water bottle๐ŸŒก๏ธ
6) A bottle of Baby Shampoo seems will last an eternity ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
7) Your Baby always looks 100x more presentable than you ๐Ÿ˜’
8) I don't care what anyone says, Tommee Tippee Prep Machines are the best inventions ever! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป
9) The Washing Machine is on 24/7 ๐Ÿงฆ
10) These small people sure can fart! ๐Ÿ’จ
11) Having a clean home AND a happy baby is practically impossible ๐Ÿคฏ
12) You class brushing your teeth as a successful day ๐Ÿ‘„
13) Maternity Pay is crap! ๐Ÿ˜ญ
14) "You can sleep when the Baby sleeps" is a lie ๐Ÿ˜ด
15) You have to be dragged away from the Kids Department in Next ๐Ÿ˜
16) Some of the best days out won't cost a penny ๐Ÿ‘›
17) There's no time for falling ill when you're a Mum ๐Ÿค’
18) Your new perfume is "Baby Sick" - The new fragrance by Tiny Humans ๐Ÿคฎ
19) Chocolate is your Best Friend ๐Ÿซ
20) Getting rid of Mum Tum is a real struggle๐Ÿคฐ๐Ÿป
21) Dry Shampoo is your new go to product ๐Ÿ’‡๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
22) Trying to get out of the house before 10:30am is near on impossible ๐Ÿ•ฅ
23) Going out for the day involves packing a suitcase ๐Ÿ’ผ
24) You will never drink another hot drink or meal. Ever ๐Ÿ
25) You pace the floor if your other half dares to be 30 seconds late home from work ๐Ÿ˜ก
26) "FML" is a word muttered under your breath 50x a day ๐Ÿ˜ค
27) You find out who your true Friends are ๐Ÿ‘ญ
28) A trip to the toilet feels like a vacay ๐ŸŒด
29) You look forward to Family get-togethers as you know you will be let off Mum duty for a few hours whilst your Baby is passed around - Fetch this Mumma a Malibu and make it a double! ๐Ÿฅƒ
30) You know all the characters from Peppa Pig ๐Ÿท
31) Chub Rub in hot weather is NOT fun! โ˜€๏ธ
32) You could join the Circus with the amounts of things you can now juggle all at the same time - Holding baby, whilst making a bottle, being on the phone and feeding the Cat? No problem! ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
33) You still sway when you're not even holding your Baby ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
34) You can guarantee your petrol light will come on when you are already running late โ›ฝ
35) You can never have to many Muslin Cloths ๐Ÿ’ฏ
36) You know the Pizza Delivery guy on first name terms ๐Ÿ•
37) You will do anything (and I mean anything!) for 5 minutes peace ๐Ÿง–
38) Your Baby poops in the most awkward of situations ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
39) Advert on TV? Pass the tissues. Episode of Emerdale? Pass the tissues. Burnt your toast? Pass the tissues ๐Ÿคง
40) Most importantly...Family is everything ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘ง๐Ÿ’—

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Breast Vs Formula

"Breast is best" - This is a saying that you will hear mentioned regularly when you're expecting and a saying which is even written on the back of Formula Milk.

However is Breast really the best? Well the short, honest answer is undeniably "Yes".

These are some of the reasons why:
โ€ข Your breast milk is perfectly designed for your baby
โ€ข Breast milk protects your baby from infections and diseases
โ€ข Breastfeeding provides health benefits for you
โ€ข Breast milk is available for your baby whenever your baby needs it
โ€ข Breastfeeding can build a strong emotional bond between you and your baby

HOWEVER, just because something is so highly recommended by Midwives does not necessarily mean it is a decision which is right or "best" for you (or even your Bubba!)... Here's my story ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป

When I was Pregnant with Isla I was adamant that I was going to Formula feed. I didn't really entertain the idea of Breastfeeding until me and Rory went along to a Nutrition and Feeding Class in early December of 2018. I remember we came out of the Class after being more informed of the benefits of Breastfeeding and we both decided it was something we wanted me to try.

Although I admit I completely underestimated how much I may struggle with Breastfeeding. Not only physically but mentally as well.

I was still in Hospital for the first 20 hours after giving birth and I had guidance from the Midwives to help Isla latch correctly so it was both comfortable for her and myself. I felt great that I was Breastfeeding after hearing so much about the great benefits of the Milk and the Colostrum ๐Ÿ˜Š (The first form of milk produced by the mammary glands of mammals immediately following delivery of the newborn).

The days that followed were definitely harder....Day 3 sticks in my head as a particularly tough day. Due to having a rough Labour (see "My Labour Story" Blog Post) I was left extremely sore and when I awoke that morning I could bearly move ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

I never knew this before being Pregnant however when you Breastfeed your Uterus contracts and this was causing great discomfort to the point where I was doubled over in pain on the stairs, crying. On top of that my Milk was starting to come in and my Boobs were rock hard, humongous and very very sore! How the hell was I going to feed my Baby when I was in so much pain?! ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I was in no fit state to feed Isla and therefore I made the decision to use Formula so she would at least get fed that day. She was more than happy taking the Milk from the Bottle for the first time and I felt relived that she wasn't going without and that I could have a day to recover.

Unfortunately I wasn't aware that you shouldn't introduce Formula and drinking through a Bottle until after a month of getting to grips with Breastfeeding due to the complications it can then cause when you go back to Breastfeeding i.e. Babies then will struggle to latch. I found this out the hard way when I went back to Breastfeeding the following day. Whereas before Isla had latched perfectly fine, I was now finding it was a serious struggle. I questioned this with my Midwife who made me aware that she could just be being lazy, as it's easier to drink from a Bottle than it is to latch onto a Breast.

I was now in 2 minds. Do I give up Breastfeeding altogether or whack out my Pump and express and store my Milk so she can at least have the goodness of my Milk through a Bottle, as she now seemed to prefer ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

I chose to Express Pump.

However even in doing so my Breasts did not seem to be pumping enough Milk for what Isla needed and I found myself having to top her up with Formula alongside the Breastmilk just to keep her full.

After the first week it was really getting me down. I was sat attached to the Pump for 30 minutes at a time to get the amount needed for 1 feed. This was all well and good however Isla wanted to be fed every 1-2 hours and for me it was just too much on top of everything else going on.

Now I have in the past suffered badly with Anxiety and I have been quite open in talking about this and I could feel the Anxiety slowly creeping back in....I was stressing myself out massively and beating myself up ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

Why was I not finding it as easy as other Mum's I knew who were Breastfeeding? How can I be a decent Mum to Isla if I can't even give her the goodness of my Breast Milk? 

These were 2 of many questions I began to ask myself. On top of this I was also overcome with emotion from becoming a first time Mum and having a mini me to look after as well as a house to run.

One day it just all got too much. And I now had another choice to make....Either I attempt to carry on Express Feeding or I give in and switch to Formula. After much deliberation and conversations with my Other Half we both came to the conclusion that it was time to switch to Formula. This was/is a decision I still stand by and whilst I appreciate this is not for everyone this was/is the best decision for my Family. I was no good to her being stressed, especially over something which could easily be changed.

Unlike with Breastmilk, I had noticed that Formula definitely filled Isla up for longer as well - Which was an absolute godsend at 2am in the morning!

But please don't get me wrong, I still love seeing/hearing about the Mum's who Breastfeed. Just because I've switched to Formula it does NOT mean I don't still support the Breastfeeding Mum's out there! There's #NoMumShaming on this page! All love ladies! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’—

Whilst my Blog Post is called "Breast VS Formula" I definitely don't believe there is a winner in this instance. The "best" is whatever choice works best for the health of you and your new Family.

I was worried that by switching to Formula it would mean I had failed as a Mummy and that the bond between me and my Little Lady wouldn't be as strong anymore. Well I can tell you that after 6 weeks of Formula Feeding the bond between us is stronger than ever!! ๐Ÿฅฐ

Products I bought for Breastfeeding:
โ€ข Medela Swing Maxi Double Electric Breast Pump
โ€ข Nipple Cream
โ€ข Nipple Shields
โ€ข Breast Pads

Products I bought for Formula Feeding:
โ€ข Tommee Tippee Closer To Nature Sterilising Kit
โ€ข Tommee Tippee Day And Night Prep Machine


Monday, 8 April 2019

My Labour Story

Wednesday 20th March
9:00am - I distinctly remember waking up with the overwhelming feeling that something was wrong....

I'd been in Hospital the week prior for a growth scan and to check that the fluid I was passing was not my waters and thankfully my results came back clear however here I was, one week later, rushing to the toilet with the sensation that my knickers were soaked through. 

I got to the toilet and was shocked to see a great deal of blood. I froze for a few seconds before panic overcome me and I shouted to Rory that he needed to get out of bed and get me to the Hospital ASAP! For how scared I was Rory was amazingly calm (He told me afterwards he wasn't but he didn't want me to worry more than I already was). He jumped out of bed, quickly freshened up and started to get the Hospital bags packed into the car whilst I called the Delivery Suite and explained what had happened. They advised for us to make our way to the Hospital as quickly and as safely as we could and told me they'd be ready for me on our arrival.

Luckily the drive to the Hospital from our house is only about 10 minutes however I remember sobbing on the way there as I hadn't felt any movement that morning and I was so scared of what the bleeding meant for the health of our Baby.

After shuffling from the car, up the stairs and down the corridor we reached the Delivery Suite where I was taken into a room and was told a Nurse would be coming to check on me shortly to give me an internal examination to see if they could locate where the blood was coming from and to monitor Bump.

I wasn't expecting the examination to be completely pain free however it sure was more uncomfortable then I imagined!!!!! (OUCH!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฉ)

After the 'check' was finally over (and breathe!) we were told that it appeared I had a blood clot and I would be sent for a scan to see if they could pinpoint the location of which. Unfortunately after the scan had taken place shortly afterwards they still couldn't find any further clues as to where the blood was coming from so the Nurse decided that as I was 38+5 weeks pregnant (and classed as Full Term) it would be safer to deliver my Baby sooner rather than later. So I now had 2 options...

โ€ข Emergency C-Section 
โ€ข To be induced

I chose to be induced and was advised due to the bleeding I would be in Hospital now until Bump made an appearance so they could keep an eye on us both. I knew we were in the best place and would be well looked after but I just HATE Hospital's and the thought of staying in overnight filled me with dread. Especially after my last overnight stay when I was 12 weeks pregnant (I cried all night as I missed Rory and the Cat ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚)

Rory was brilliant and stayed with me all day and a Midwife advised us that on Ward 11 birth partners could stay until midnight however we both agreed that if tomorrow was 'the big day' he would need as much rest as he could get, to be the best support to me as he could be. So we had a romantic meal of Chips and Beans from the Hospital Cafe (๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป) and said our goodbyes around 19:30.

Due to visiting hours being so bloody late, and all of the lights still being kept on, I think I eventually managed to dose off at around 23:45 for all of 5 minutes when I was woken up to have my last lot of check ups for the day...

"LET ME SLEEP!!!" ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Thursday 21st March
I think in total I got a full hours kip (whooooo! ๐ŸŽ‰) before the lights came back on around 7:00am.
I had been experiencing pains every 10-15 minutes or so (on and off) for a few hours now and I stupidly remember thinking "This labour malarkey is going to be a piece of piss" ....Little did I know!!!! How naive!!!! ๐Ÿ™ˆ

I had a few toilet trips during the night, and like with the next morning, I still noticed I was bleeding. I let the Midwife know and again I was strapped up to a machine and Bump was monitored throughout the day.

**Please excuse the mismatched socks ๐Ÿงฆ๐Ÿ˜‚**

My mild contractions stopped in the morning and when Rory cane back to the Hospital to be with me at 9:00am we were convinced I would need to be induced a 2nd time **cries at the thought** However we were soon proved wrong when after lunch my contractions kicked back in again!

By the time visiting hours rolled around at 15:00
and my Mum came to visit the contractions were definitely getting stronger. I bounced on my birthing ball whilst Rory timed the length of my contractions and the time between each one and it was clear by this point that we were soon to be meeting our Little Lady! ๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽ‰

As it reached 17:00 we decided to have a walk to the Cafe so we could all get a little something to eat however after only being there for about 10 minutes (and me doubling over a table in pain) we decided it was time to make our way back to Ward 11. At this point my contractions were now coming every minute and were getting more and more intense!

When we eventually got back (and after a few stops to get through the contractions!) the Midwives decided it was time to be checked to see how dilated I was. I remember saying to Rory and my Mum "If I'm any less than 4-5cm I'll cry"

Midwife: "Congratulations! You're around 2-3cm"

2-3CM?! I MEAN COME ON!!!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

By 19:00 my contractions were coming thick and fast. The back pain started and I started feeling extremely nauseous. I asked for some form of pain relief and the Midwife came back with 2 paracetamol. 2 paracetamol I thought?! Isn't this for helping ease the pain from a headache?! I'm in bloody labour, get me to the Gas and Air!! ๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ˜‚

After a wait that felt like a lifetime, I was finally sent from Ward 11 to Delivery Suite at 19:30. Somehow I just about managed to shuffle down the corridor myself, whilst having to stop what felt like every 15ft to focus on getting through another contraction. I remember I hadn't even closed the door behind me on the Delivery Suite when I pleaded with one of the Midwives "PLEASE get me an epidural!!!!" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

I had written a birth plan a few weeks prior and it was already going out the window - I couldn't have a water birth due to bleeding and now I was getting hit by the news that I also couldn't have an Epidural because the anaesthetist was in emergency surgery and they didn't know how long they were going to be (๐Ÿ˜–).

These 2 things completely threw me. Me and Rory had been to Hypnobirthing Classes a few weeks prior and so afterwards I had visions of how I wanted my Labour to begin...I was going to slowly feel the contractions start at home, I would ring Rory and Mum at work at let them know to make their way home, I'd have enough time to run myself a nice hot bath, play my relaxation play list I had downloaded and just get myself into the zone before heading to the Hospital when I was ready and have a brilliant water birth. Hell, maybe I'd even have enough time for a little snooze beforehand...(WELL THAT DIDN'T QUITE GO TO PLAN! ๐Ÿ˜ฉ)

Due to being induced my contractions were coming on quicker and more intense and my body just didn't have the time it would usually have to get used to the build up of pain. Within 10 minutes of being in the Delivery Suite my Mucus Plug and Waters Broke and the fun well and truly began....

I was given Gas and Air to help me through each contraction however I have to admit I don't think it really did an awful lot to help me personally. I used it more as a distraction and to grit my teeth into! Poor Rory always wanted to try Gas and Air however due to the situation there was absolutely no way he was going to prise this bad boy from my grip unless he wanted a fist to the face! ๐Ÿ˜†

From the moment I got into the Delivery Suite the intensity of my contractions were so strong and the frequency was so often that I remember thinking 'how would I ever be able to birth my Baby?!' 

The Midwife when I was on Ward 11 advised me when I was 2-3cm that women tend to dilate 1cm every hour however here I was 3 hours later being told I was now 10cm (fully dilated) and ready to push! (Oh and on a quick side note, who knew when you're fully dilated they take the Gas and Air away from you?! I DIDN'T! **Cue another mini breakdown**)

After well over an hour of pushing I was still no further along and baby was getting stressed and tired, not to mention so was I! ๐Ÿ˜ด The Doctor was called and he told me he would give me 30 more minutes of pushing and if I was still no further along he would be back to intervene. Unfortunately I never was given that 30 minutes, as around 10-15 minutes later the emergency cord was pulled...

I remember seeing Mum, Rory and the 2 Midwives when I shut my eyes to push through the next contraction and yet when I opened my eyes the room was suddenly filled with 8 new faces. The same male Doctor from earlier came into my line of vision and explained to me how important it was to deliver my Baby as quickly as possible, so he was going to help me by using a Ventouse. 

What is a Ventouse?
A ventouse (vacuum extractor) is an instrument that's attached to the baby's head by suction. A soft or hard plastic or metal cup is attached by a tube to a suction device. The cup fits firmly on to your baby's head. During a contraction and with the help of your pushing, the cup is pulled to help deliver your baby. A ventouse isn't used if you're giving birth at less than 34 weeks pregnant because your baby's head is too soft. It's less likely to cause vaginal tearing than forceps.

I had made it very clear earlier on that I did not want Forceps so this was now my only other option. So with that decided was all go, go, go!

Within 5 minutes my legs were placed in stirrups, my bladder was emptied, a large needle was used to numb me, a vaginal cut was made, the Ventouse was inserted and the Doctor started to pull my Baby out, with the help of me pushing with the contractions I was still experiencing. 

After a few more intense pushes the next thing I heard was;

"Here's the head!!!"

And with that, seconds later, my gorgeous baby Girl was placed onto my chest! 

That was hands down the most intense, amazing and overwhelming experience I have ever felt. That instant love and connection is just out of this world! Finally meeting the "Bump" I had been speaking to and interacting with via my belly for 9 months was a moment I will never forget ๐Ÿฅฐ

Although no sooner was she placed on my chest she was taken away from me again and taken over to the other side of the Delivery Suite to be checked over. The Midwives noticed she was making a wheezy noise when she was trying to breathe and so they wanted to take her to the Neonatal Ward to be checked over. Thankfully the wheezing eventually settled and she ended up not having to be taken away from her Mummy, which was a huge relief!

Whilst Little Lady was being checked over the Doctor gave me an injection to help the delivery of my Placenta and started stitching me back up. Although this was an uncomfortable time for me I was so happy that Daddy now had his chance to have his first cuddles with his Little Girl.

**Look how proud he is!!!! ๐Ÿ˜**

Oh and Nanny too....

The Doctor happened to mention after I had been stitched up that Little Lady was also Back To Back which was another reason why things were a bit more difficult ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Once everything was over and I had a chance to gather my thoughts all I remember doing was saying "sorry" and "thank you" 500 million times to Rory and my Mum. They were my absolute rocks in Labour and both played such a massive part of helping me with delivering a gorgeous Baby Girl into the World!

Whilst it's everyones personal choice on who they have as their birthing partner, or partners, for me (especially with the rough experience I had) it was the BEST choice I have ever made to have both my Boyfriend and my Mum. I honestly don't think I could have done it without them both and they deserve a huge amount of credit in helping me deliver our Baby, safe and sound ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’—

Monday 8th April
It's now 18 days since my tough Labour and I have to admit these past 2 weeks since giving birth have been equally as challenging. I've really struggled with moving/walking around and it's been very emotional however I'm pleased to say that today is the first day I finally feel that I have a spring in my step! ๐ŸŽ‰

Huge amount of credit needs to go to my Other Half for the help and support he's given me! Don't know how I could've ever done this without him! ๐Ÿ˜˜

Now, with all of that out of the way, everyone please welcome....

Name: Isla May Victoria Keeble
Date/Time of birth: 21/03/19 @ 23:42
Weight: 6lbs 8oz


Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Learning To Love Yourself

As a 27 year old woman of the world, I am a big lover of social media. Instagram is by far my most used however Facebook is a close second.

Like most, I follow the lives of celebrities, fitness trainers, food/diet pages and social media influencers and at times it can be fairly overwhelming. I mean how is little ole me from a small seaside Town supposed to "Keep Up" or compare to the likes of the Kardashian/Jenner's???

From about 16 I have always had body confidence issues. I've been the "chubby kid", I've been "too skinny" and I've been everything else in between!

I am not afraid to admit that I have struggled enormously with Anxiety over the last 3/4 years. 
For a long time I tried my hardest to get by on my own without opening up to anyone about how I was feeling. I was so scared of what people would think that I became a complete closed book. I would shut people out and push those closest to me away. On the inside I was crying out for someone to reach out to me but on the outside I was getting better at putting on a brave face and portraying the images/best bits of my life I wanted people to see.

I hit rock bottom....And I'm not ashamed to say that after many Doctor's appointments, I was referred to the Mental Health charity 'WellBeing' to get the support I needed.
My Mental Health always used to go hand in hand with my weight and body issues...The more I struggled with day-to-day life, the more I saw my weight plummet on the scales and the happier it made me (or so I thought!) yet the more I found myself in control of my Stress Levels and Anxiety the more I would see the scales creep up again and the more self conscious I became. It was like a vicious cycle I could never seem to break! ๐Ÿ˜–

To say the changes to my body throughout my pregnancy has been tough is an understatement. I've had my down days where I'd cry into my pillow after catching a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror but with the love and support of my Other Half I'm also learning to ignore the numbers on the scales, ignore the new chins I have inherited (๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚โœŒ๐Ÿป) and look at the bigger picture....


To me, being pregnant has been a blessing in more ways than I could have ever imagined. Not only am I carrying the best thing to ever happen to us but she is also allowing me to love myself all over again and see the world at a different angle ๐Ÿ’—

I am under no illusion that after giving birth I will experience further body changes. I am not expecting to "snap back" to my pre-pregnancy body a few weeks after giving birth (like the celebrities you see on social media) however I don't think I want to....

Pre-pregnancy Hannah - I was an unhappy, self conscious bag of bones whose life was controlled by what people thought of me, how skinny I looked in the mirror and someone who would have a mini breakdown at the thought of buying clothes above a size 6 or 8! 

38 Weeks Pregnant Hannah - Of course I still have my moments however I'm trying my hardest to enjoy this journey the best I can and laugh in the face of anyone who dares comment on my weight. So what if I've gained 3 stone, 5 chins and some seriously chubby thighs?! ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm experiencing something extremely special and life changing!

And for that reason....

NO I will NOT let this affect my pregnancy journey!!!
NO I will NOT stress over my body changes!!!
NO I will NOT think less of myself!!!

YES I WILL have a second helping of Dinner!!! 
YES I would LOVE that piece of triple Chocolate Fudge Cake!!!
YES I AM going to order a Takeaway even though I probably shouldn't!!!


Of course over indulging on junk food is by no means what I'm telling you all to do however the occasional naughty treat never hurt anyone and if you can't do that when you're heavily pregnant when the hell can you?!?! โœŒ๐ŸปโœŒ๐ŸผโœŒ๐ŸฝโœŒ๐Ÿพ

And as for my post pregnancy body? I will just be learning to love my wobbly bits and not stress myself into crazy diets and losing weight fast!!! For I will have far more important things to worry about....๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿผ

To my future Daughter....
Mummy would like to thank you for changing her life for the better and blessing her with the greatest reason to live life to the full! I am determined to be the best role model to you I can be and to show you that there is more to life than being "skinny" - A kind heart and soul goes so much further than a few "likes" on social media ever will ๐Ÿ˜˜

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Hospital Bag Checklist

Hands up who finds packing stressful? ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ

Whether it be packing for a week in the Sun or just a night way, the anxiety I get thinking I am going to forget something goes through the roof! ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

There are so many websites advising what are essentials for yours and your Little Ones Hospital Bag that it can be extremely overwhelming when the time eventually comes to start packing. 

Everyone you speak to will have their own opinion on when you should aim to prepare your Bags and from my experience anything from 30-36 weeks was the majority, so me being me (and always leaving everything until the last second) I opted to pack my bags at 36 weeks...And if I'm being completely honest that was only due to the fact that we had a night away booked so I didn't really have much choice, just in case I went into early labour! ๐Ÿ™ˆ

I ended up packing 2 bags - 1 for Bump and 1 for myself. That way it should hopefully save a lot of rummaging around!

Oh and don't forget snacks!!! (Yes, my drinks/snacks do have a separate plastic bag for themselves! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚) Rory is not allowed to touch my snacks (strictly forbidden!) so he's packing his own. Which will probably consist of Energy Drinks, Salt and Vinegar Sticks and Kinder Chocolate! ๐Ÿ™Š

**The time of year will determine what extras you feel necessary to pack**

For Mum;
Birthing Notes (VERY IMPORTANT!!!)
Nightie/T-Shirt (For Labour)
Dressing Gown/Slippers (In case you're in Hospital for a while after Labour)
Breast Pads
Maternity Towels
Going Home Clothes (Something comfy and baggy)
Nursing Bra/Nursing Tops (If you decide to Breastfeed)
Nipple Cream
Knickers (Couple of pairs - You can never have too many!)
Toiletries (Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Shower Gel, Deodorant, Mini Shampoo, Dry Shampoo, Face Flannel)
Lip Balm (I've been told Gas and Air can dry out your Lips!)
Snacks (Gotta keep up those energy levels!)
Phone charger
Hair Bobbles

**Non-essential but nice to have**
Hot Water Bottle
Ear Plugs (In case you need to stay overnight - Hospitals aren't exactly the quietest of places!)
Your own Pillow/Blanket
Birthing Music Playlist
Makeup (For if you need a slight pick me up before leaving the Hospital)

For Bump;
Nappies (I have opted for Asda's Little Angels range and I packed Size 1)
Nappy Bags
Scratch Mitts
Hats x2
Sleepsuits x4
Bodysuits x4
Ready Made Bottles (I plan to Breastfeed however if I can't, for whatever reason, I have a pack of ready made SMA Pro Infant Milk Formula Bottles)
Water Wipes
Cotton Wool Pads
Muslins (Pack a few, as Babies have a tendency to be sick quite a lot!)
Jacket/Coat (For leaving the Hospital)
Cuddly Toy (Optional - But cute for any Hospital photos taken)
Car Seat (Leave in the car until you and Bump are ready to leave the Hospital)

**This list may also vary if you were booked in for a C-Section**

It may be an idea for your Birthing Partner to also consider packing a few items. Things such as a Toothbrush, change of clothes, Phone/Phone charger and Snacks are some must haves! Use this time to discuss transportation to the Hospital as well - It may sound obvious but you don't want to plan to go by Car and then realise when you go into Labour that you have no Petrol!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Hopefully all (or at least a few!) of you Mummy-to-be's will take away even 1 thing from this post! ๐Ÿ˜˜

I would love to hear what you packed in your Hospital Bags, so leave a comment below if you think of anything I have missed off which may be beneficial for any future Mum's/Dad's! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Oh and GOOD LUCK!!!!!! ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’™

Thursday, 7 March 2019

My Pregnancy Journey

I remember before falling pregnant myself, I used to see image after image of these Mum-to-be's working out, eating healthy and looking glamorous with their adorably perfectly rounded little bumps..."Wow!" I thought "These ladies look incredible! Being pregnant looks amazing!" ๐Ÿ˜

Skip forward a few months and bam! This life was now going to be mine! I couldn't wait for that "glowing" stage they say all pregnant ladies go through, whereby your hair is glossy ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ your nails grow lushous and long ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ and your skin is as smooooth as your future Bubba's bum....๐Ÿ‘

....Well I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant and I feel cheated! My "glowing" Insta Mum phase never showed up! Instead I was blessed with sickness (oh, lots of sickness!!), breakouts all over my face, thick chaffing thighs and an ever growing chubby face with new chins that seemed to appear overnight! *Cries* ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Please don't get me wrong, I feel extremely blessed to have fallen pregnant in the first place and I would never like to appear ungrateful, however boy has this journey been tougher than I ever expected!

*Let's rewind for a second*

I found out quite early on that I was expecting. I remember sneaking into the toilets at work to take a test after a few weeks of feeling neuseous and my boobs being extremely sore and swollen. It had been a strange few weeks for me, as I was convinced I was pregnant even after just a mere few days! Don't ask me how but I just felt different and knew this wasn't just my normal build up to my next period. Even when I took my first test and it came back Negative I knew it had to be wrong and so when a few more days had passed and still no period I decided to take another.

For anyone who has ever taken a pregnancy test you may agree that 2 minute wait for the result to show up feels like an eternity!

As I paced the floor of the disabled toilets, I realised 2 minutes had past....Do I dare look??? Am I ready to be a Mum??? What about money??? What would my Other Half say??? So many questions ran through my mind however curiousity got the better of me as I worked up the courage to pick up the test.....PREGNANT. 2-3 WEEKS. 


Excitement, fear, joy, worry (and about 100 other emotions) ran through my body. Wow. I'm going to be a Mummy!!!

sat on the toilet for what seemed like a lifetime, but when looking back could only have been a matter of seconds, before grabbing my phone and calling the Other Half. As the phone rang I wondered how he would take the news that his life would forever change from that day and that nights out with the lads would soon become a distant memory however after blurting out my news like word vomit he was elated! We were going to be Parents!

Once the call ended and the news slowly started to sink in I was left sat infront of my computer screen at work googling what the hell I was supposed to do next ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ Apart from my Sister, who had been pregnant 5 years beforehand, I hadn't been around anyone with a baby or who was pregnant and realised I had zilch knowledge of the next steps! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Fast forward a few weeks and we had our first 8 week appointment. All went well and we were given the start of what would become my Hospital notes and were told we would soon receive a letter in the post to advise the date and time of our 12 week scan (Eeeeekkk!!!)

I had been experiencing extreme nausea from around 5-6 weeks and had started to graze constantly on copious amounts of ginger biscuits and chewy Wham! Bars. The evenings/night times were the worst. I can't even count the amount of nights I'd be up for hours just sat on toilet preparing myself for me and last night's Tea to meet once again.

By 7-8 weeks was when the sickness set in. I refuse to call it morning sickness as this certainly was NOT the case for me! More like all day, all night sickness! I was signed off work and had been bed bound for weeks before our 12 week scan rolled around. In-between this I had even struggled through 2 weddings - One of which was my Best Friends wedding, who I was Bridesmaid for.

* It's amazing what Makeup can do for a girl....*

12 weeks pregnant was when my sickness peaked. We had just been for our first scan and were so excited to have heard our babies heartbeat for the first time and to be shown that she was growing as she should be. 

I remember feeling so ill in the car on the way back from the Hospital and even though I had been sick already that morning I knew something wasn't right. After waving the Other Half off to work I ran inside the house, straight up the stairs and lunged my head into the toilet. Up to 10 times a day I would be reunited with my new favourite room in the house and after days of not being able to keep down even a sip of water, I was admitted to Hospital due to severe dehydration.

This was probably my lowest point of my pregnancy and if it wasn't for such a supportive Boyfriend, Family and Friends I honestly have no idea how I would have got through the weeks and weeks of endless sickness. It sounds dramatic but it was such a lonely place to be at a time which is supposed to be filled with such happiness and excitement.

At this stage, apart from Kate Middleton, I had never known of anyone who had suffered as badly as I was during pregnancy. All of these women I was seeing on social media looked amazing and there was me going days without having a bath as even the slightest movement would set off my sickness for the day.

*Daddy-to-be trying to lighten the mood and rock a sick bowl hat*

(Sorry Rory! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚)

Since then I have spoken to so many lovely ladies who had gone through similar experiences as myself. I just wish I had known more about the support which was out there at the time. I honestly hold my hands up to all the women who experience Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Whether you manage to hold down a job and look after other children or if (like me) you find yourself struggling to get out of bed, just know you're all amazing and you can get through this!!!

It was around 19-20 weeks once my sickness had died down and I could finally return to work for full days (I had been lucky enough that when I went back to work at 16 weeks that I could work around my sickness) and boy was it nice to know I could get up out of bed through choice and not through thinking I would projectile vomit all over the bedroom walls if I didn't move at the speed of light to the toilet!

We even found out what we were expecting....๐Ÿ’—

Since then I haven't *touch wood* had any further sickness however at 25 weeks pregnant I was signed off work for 2 weeks due to lower back pain of sitting on a chair 24/7. On top of this I had the added stress of also being made redundant from my Full Time job. Not exactly what I needed, especially after everything else I had gone through in this pregnancy, however I knew Bump was my priority and so with the help of my Other Half I began to enjoy the time off I had to prepare for Little Lady's arrival and rest up as much as I could.

I'm now 37 weeks pregnant and patiently waiting for her to come and complete our little Family. But until then you will find me frantically scrubbing floors and washing 100 tonnes of clothes to make sure we're prepared if she does decide to arrive early....Although if she's anything like her Daddy she definitely WON'T be on time!!!


Wednesday, 6 March 2019

About Me

*Let's start with the introductions*

Hi everyone, my name is Hannah and whether you have stumbled across my blog by pure chance or you've consciously (and maybe more curiously) clicked on my Blog....Welcome! ๐Ÿฅฐ

For those of you who don't know me I'm a 27 year old first time Mummy who will be trying her best to juggle (and probably more times than not failing to juggle!) a whole new world of nappy changing and sleepless nights alongside being a normal 20 something year old who goes out of the house more than just to put out the bins in her dressing gown on a Friday!

When you don't find me crying, knee-deep in dirty laundry you will find me here expressing my over the top love of my Fur Baby, excessively drinking Malibu (and then torturing myself for the next week afterwards on why I thought it was a brilliant idea to put myself through a week long hangover!) and enjoying days out/weekends away with Family, Friends and the Other Half.

*Meet Nala - My Fur Baby*

*The "Other Half"*

Me creating a blog is in no way me believing I'm the next generation Zoella (vlogger extrodonair) it was just after speaking to so many other Mum's that I realised Pregnancy/Motherhood can be quite a daunting and lonely place at times. So with that in mind I decided to create this Blog as a way for me to interact with other fellow Mum's to share and discuss all things crazy during pregnancy and beyond!

So if you're a New Mum, Single Mum, Yummy Mummy, First Time Mum, Mum to Many, Mum on a Mission, Struggling Mumma or just anyone interested in this mad journey me and the Other Half are about to take please subscribe to my page, share my posts and follow me on my social media pages. I would love nothing more than to hear from you and hear all about your own personal experiences ๐Ÿ’—

These future blogs are to remind myself that parenting is HARD WORK and we're not Superwomen! So in the upcoming weeks/months if you see me wearing the same clothes for 3 days straight, covered in baby sick, looking like I've not had a chance to shower and barely able to keep my eyes open or string 2 sentences together, please be kind....This new Mum is probably extremely fragile!

Until next time,
Hannah xxx

ยฉ 2025 From Bump To Baby Keeble